CIMB is the second largest financial services provider in the country. It is listed on Bursa Malaysia through the Bumiputra-Commerce Holdings Berhad (BCHB). This is the first universal bank in Malaysia, created as a result of the merger of Bumiputra-Commerce Bank, Southern Bank, and CIMB, the most awarded investment banks in Malaysia.
The bank has s a wide retail branch network with 1,080 branches located in 17 ASEAN countries, where it employs around 42,000 people.
The company provides services to its customers through the several divisions, which include retail, investment, and Islamic banking units.
Products and services
- Consumer Banking
- Corporate Banking
- Investment Banking
- Islamic Banking
- Asset Management
- Insurance & Takaful
CIMB Islamic operates in parallel with these businesses, in line with the group’s dual banking model.
Business data
Total assets (2012): RM321.8 billion
Employees: 43,000
Head Office Address
Level 19, Menara Bumiputra -Commerce, 11 Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur.
Phone: +603 2619 1188
Fax: +603 2619 2288
Customers support:
Phone: +603 6204 7788 (24 hours)